
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


On March 29, 2013 was held on Easter Sunday school will be held at the Bukit Sentul. On the morning after the morning worship, at about 11 AM we went to Bukit Sentul. At the beginning of the journey was the streets so deserted, but when we got on the highway towards Bogor, density starts to look, but we remained calm and happy because we wanted to play as well as outbound worship there. And finally we arrived at Bukit Sentul after traveling for two hours.

Once we find a place to worship and play, we rest for 30 minutes. Then worship began and led by brother Kevin and sister Angel. Then, the Word of God delivered by Herna aunt. The children were very interested in the Word that brought in about 15 minutes by Herna aunt.

After the Word of God, the game begins with the division of the group, and each group headed by a head and a mentor that has been provided by the tenants game. Each group was taken to different places according to their age. All groups were keen to follow this game. There are so many games available and everything associated with guts and challenges. I did not come to play because I served as a photographer to document. Although it does not come, who obtained the same joy as those who participated in the game, I was so engrossed with my camera photographing those who were playing.

After a few hours of play, we rested our weary relief, and we ate the food that was served.

After a few minutes we rested, we all berpoto-poto, both Sunday school teachers and school children Sunday. Once satisfied berpoto-poto, we immediately rushed back home each private vehicle or bus church. We are all very happy to celebrate Easter there, seemed to want to come back again dihun to come.

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